Our Services
Monthly newsletter
Our monthly newsletter keeps you up to date with support group activities, articles on the latest research, new services and practical tips for better managing the symptoms of Parkinson’s.
Support Groups
We facilitate a number of daytime support groups that hold monthly meetings with a variety of guest speakers. New people are always welcome.
North West Support Group (Ulverstone) Meetings held on the second Wednesday in the month.
Venue: Ulverstone Senior Citizens Club. Time: 2pm -3:30pm.
Northern Support Group (Launceston) Meetings held on the second Tuesday in the month.
Venue: Punchbowl Christian Centre, 100 Punchbowl Road, Punchbowl. Time: 2pm – 3:30pm
Southern Support Group (Hobart) Meetings held on the last Wednesday in the month.
Venue: Senior Citizens Club, Sandy Bay. Time: 2pm – 3:30pm
Parkinson’s Tasmania (with the assistance of Lions Clubs) has established Libraries in each Support Group for members to borrow from and Community Health Centres around the State, for all Health Care Workers.
Parkinson’s TAS provide educational resources for people affected by Parkinson’s disease, those working in the Health Sector eg Nursing Homes, Community Health workers and interested groups. For information pamphlets and education resources please visit the Parkinson's NSW website and view the Information Sheets page.
Awareness Raising
Activities include promoting World Parkinson’s Day in April and Parkinson’s Awareness Week in September.
Members are also available to talk with other community groups to enable a better understanding of Parkinson’s throughout the community
There are many benefits of joining Parkinson’s TAS. Members receive our informative quarterly bulletin, have access to our library and help give those living with Parkinson’s a stronger voice in the community. Contact us by phone or email (details below) and we will send you a membership form.
For further information contact:
Pauline Domeney (Sec./Treas.)
Phone: (03) 6229 2509 Mobile: 0407 314 933
Email: pdomeney@netspace.net.au
Helen Connor-Kendray (President)
Phone: (03) 6375 1734
Email: hconnor-kendray@netspace.net.au